Sonya Lea is a memoirist, author and a great teacher. The Red Badge Project participants have been fortunate to have Sonya share her special interest in exploring themes of identity and memory as a guest artist. Red Badge Project faculty member, Warren Etheredge interviewed Sonya about her interest in helping others and exploring the intricacies of “Wondering, who you are”. You can hear that interview at her website:
Recently, she and her husband attended a fundraising screening of the Crash Reel to benefit The Red Badge Project. The following day, she sent this quote to faculty member Warren Etheredge.
“Last night my husband Richard and I attended a fund raiser for The Red Badge Project. We watched the Oscar nominated THE CRASH REEL, about snowboarder Kevin Pearce, who was winning international competitions before he crashed and incurred a TBI. Later, we ended up talking to a lot of the guys about their own identity issues following their time in Afghanistan and Iraq. They’re really excited about our book about our relationship after my husband’s memory loss. We listened to their stories about people who don’t know how to relate to them any longer because they’ve been altered so dramatically. We’re profoundly grateful these wounded warriors have the Red Badge Project to witness their stories.”
For more information about Sonya Lea please go to: Our Faculty